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Violet Anderson

Administrative Support Specialist ( Graduate Student Services, Student Employee HR Support, Service Permits, Building Access)

(919) 962-1270
3202B Murray/Venable Hall

Sharon Anderson

Executive Assistant

Mitchell Hall 107

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Heratia Brelland

Undergraduate Student Services Specialist

(919) 966-4516
Mitchell Hall

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Drew S. Coleman

Chair, Environment, Energy and Ecology Program
Professor, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences

(919) 962-0705
3202G Murray Hall; 325 Mitchell Hall

Baskin Cooper

OASIS Computing Specialist (Computer, Network and Technical Support)

(919) 642-3090
3202J Murray/Venable Hall

Deanna Good

Administrative Assistant

(252) 726-6841 ext 124
3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557

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Mike Kingery

Facilities Maintenance Technician

(919) 962–0828
024 Mitchell Hall

Luke Morgan

Business Services Coordinator

Murray Hall

Ryan Neve

IT and Engineering Support

(252) 726-6841 ext 164
3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557

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Jennifer Parker

Business Officer/Department Manager

(919) 962-2117
3202H Murray/Venable Hall

Jessica Kristen Phillips

HR Departmental Assistant

252-726-6841 ext 120
3431 Arendell Street, Morehead City

Elizabeth Pope

Business Services Coordinator

(252) 648-7490 ext.123
IMS 152

Melissa Snead

Accounting Technician

Murray Hall 3202C

Tracey Wiley


Murray Hall 3202D