Faculty & Affiliates

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Marc J. Alperin

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 962-5184
4202B Murray Hall

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Carol Arnosti

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 962-5754
3117A Murray Hall

Todd BenDor

Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Community Design, Department of City and Regional Planning

City and Regional Planning
(919) 843-5990
108 New East

Dick Bilsborrow

Research Professor, Department of Biostatistics

(919) 962-3639

John Bruno

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 962-1038
340 Wilson Hall

Jaye Cable

Senior Associate Dean for Natural Sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences
Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 843-3468
205 South Building, 2nd floor; 4202H Murray Hall

Karl Castillo

Associate Professor, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 843-8752
4202E Murray Hall

James Costa

Professor, Western Carolina University, Department of Biology
Executive Director, Highlands Biological Station

Highlands Biological Station
(828) 526-2602
Highlands Biological Station

Amanda DelVecchia

Assistant Professor, Voit Gilmore Fellow, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
225 Carolina Hall

Lindsay Dubbs

Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Environment
Research Associate, Coastal Studies Institute
Associate Director, Outer Banks Field Site, Manteo, NC

Coastal Studies Institute
(252) 475-3663
Outer Banks Field Site

Michael Emch

W.R. Kenan Jr., Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography and Environment
Professor, Department of Epidemiology

Geography and Environment
(919) 843-1010
206 Carolina Hall

Barbara Entwisle

Kenan Distinguished Professor
Department of Sociology Fellow
Carolina Population Center

(919) 445-8344
220 Hamilton Hall

F. Joel Fodrie

Professor & Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy
Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(252) 726-6841 (ext 149)
157 Coker (Institute of Marine Sciences)

Research Interest: Estuarine Ecology

Clark Gray

Professor Department of Geography and Environment

(919) 962-3876
308 Carolina Hall

Research Interest: population, development and the environment

Elizabeth Havice

Professor and Bowman & Gordon Gray Term Professor
Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 962-3414
324 Carolina Hall

Miyuki Hino

Assistant Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning

City and Regional Planning
317 New East

Donald Thomas Hornstein

Aubrey L. Brooks Professor, UNC School of Law

School of Law
(919) 962-4133
5131 Van Hecke-Wettach Hall

Angel Hsu

Associate Professor of Public Policy
Director, Data-Driven EnviroLab

Abernethy Hall

Research Interest: Non-state climate policy and governance; urbanization and climate change; data-driven policy

Allen Hurlbert

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 843-9930
331 Wilson Hall

Research Interest: ecology, biodiversity, biogeography, citizen science, birds, arthropods

Nikhil Kaza

Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning
Joint Faculty in Environment and Ecology

City and Regional Planning
(919) 962-4767

Andy Keeler

Professor, East Carolina University, Department of Economics
Coastal Studies Institute, Manteo, NC
Director, Outer Banks Field Site

Coastal Studies Institute
(252) 475-5458
Outer Banks Field Site

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Joel Kingsolver

Professor, Department of Biology
William R. Kenan Professor

(919) 843-6291

Noah Kittner

Assistant Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Environmental Sciences and Engineering
(919) 962-0995
157 Rosenau Hall

Chip Konrad

Professor, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 962-3873
305 Carolina Hall

Adrian Marchetti

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
3117D Murray Hall

Research Interest: Biological Oceanography

Christopher S Martens

William B. Aycock Distinguished Professor
Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 962-0152
3202 Murray Hall

Charles Mitchell

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 843-7745
411 Coker Hall

Research Interest: Disease Ecology, Plant-Microbe Interactions, Community Ecology

Aaron Moody

Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 962-5303
211 Carolina Hall

Laura J. Moore

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 962-5960
212 Mitchell Hall

Rachel Noble

Mary and Watts Hill Professor
Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(252) 726-6841 ext 150
Morehead City, IMS

Caela O’Connell

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

(919) 962-1243
413A Alumni Building

Hans Paerl

William R. Kenan Professor
Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(252) 726-6841 (ext.133)
Morehead City, IMS

Tamlin Pavelsky

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 962-4239
228 Mitchell Hall

Robert Peet

Research Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 962-6942
413 Coker Hall

Karin Pfennig

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 843-5590
319 Wilson Hall

Michael Piehler

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences
Director, UNC Institute for the Environment

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(252) 726-6841 (ext. 160)
123 West Franklin Street, Suite 330B

Johnny Randall

Director for Conservation Programs, North Carolina Botanical Garden

NC Botanical Garden
(919) 962-0522
NC Botanical Garden

Diego Riveros-Iregui

Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Professor
Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 962-6814
327 Carolina Hall

Johanna Rosman

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
Institute of Marine Sciences, Office 112

Research Interest: Coastal and Estuarine Fluid Dynamics

Antonia Sebastian

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences
Director, Sustainable Triangle Field Site

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
324 Mitchell Hall

Research Interest: natural hazards, urban hydrology, flood risk, coastal resilience, climate adaptation

Alecia Septer

Associate Professor, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 843-3410
4202C Murray Hall

Maria Servedio

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 843-2692
Professor, Department of Biology

Conghe Song

Professor and Chair, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 843-4764
206 Carolina Hall

Research Interest: Remote Sensing of Environment, Ecological Modeling, Human-Environment Interactions, Forestry

Jill Stewart

Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

(919) 962-7553

Donna Surge

Professor, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 843-1994
225 Mitchell Hall

Paul Taillie

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
223 Carolina Hall

Research Interest: Wildlife ecology, conservation biology, global change

Andreas Teske

Professor, Department of Earth Marine and Environmental Sciences

Earth Marine and Enviornmental Sciences
(919) 843-2463
3117B Murray Hall

Gabriela Valdivia

Professor and the Class of 1989/William C. Friday Distinguished Professor
Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
315 Carolina Hall

Alan Weakley

Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology
Director UNC Herbarium

(919) 619-1101
419 Coker Hall

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Paige Weber

Assistant Professor, Economics Department


Colin West

Professor, Department of Anthropology
Fellow, Carolina Population Center

(919) 966-5588
401B Alumni Building

Jason West

Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Environmental Sciences and Engineering
(919) 843-3928
140 Rosenau Hall

Peter White

Professor, Department of Biology

(919) 962-6939

Erika Wise

Professor, Department of Geography and Environment

Geography and Environment
(919) 843-4762
325 Carolina Hall

Andrew Yates

Professor, Department of Economics

(919) 966-5374
006F Gardner Hall