Environment, Ecology, Energy Program 

Academic Programs

We offer undergraduate degrees (BA, BS) in environmental sciences and environmental studies and graduate degrees (MA, MS, PhD) in ecology. We collaborate with professional schools at UNC to create career pathways for our students. 

Study abroad trip sparked switch in majors

Krystal Hero

A professor’s advice and the “Black Panther” movie also influenced Krystal Lacayo’s interest in environmental justice. Krystal Lacayo’s Carolina experience included studying in South Africa (elephant photo) and Ribeauville, France,. . .

Student researchers map heat on campus

Heat Map of UNC

Working with the Sustainable Triangle Field Site, they gather data to provide potential solutions to hotspots. Carolina students are taking the lead on key research to document urban heat islands. . .

Coastal Studies Institute teaches environmental stewardship

Outer Banks Hero Lindsay Dubbs standing on a beach

Outer Banks Field Site director Lindsay Dubbs conducts research to better understand and protect marine ecosystems. By Megan Mendenhall, UNC Research, Friday, July 19th, 2024 Lindsay Dubbs is the director. . .