December 8, 2005
Dr. Ron Pulliam
Niche Theory and the Distribution of Forest Understory Herbs
December 1, 2005
Dr. Nessa O’Connor
Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Habitat Structure: Direct and Indirect Effects in Intertidal Assemblages
November 17, 2005
Dr. Larry Band
A Tale of Three Catchments: Coupling Water and Nitrogen Cycling in Forest and Suburban Ecosystems
November 10, 2005
Dr. Maury Valett
Nutrient Influences on Stream Ecosystems: Nitrogen Spiraling Across a Gradient of Chronic Nitrogen Loading
November 3, 2005
Dr. Richard Phillips
Tales from the Underground: Tree Species and Mycorrhizal Effects on Nutrient Cycling in a Northern Hardwood Forest
October 27, 2005
Kate Dixon
Putting Conservation Principles into Practice: Raising $1 Billion for NC’s Land and Communities
October 12, 2005
Dr. Robbie Cox
Nature’s ‘Crisis Disciplines’: What the Humanities Can Learn from Conservation Biology
October 6, 2005
Dr. Elena Litchman
Physiological Trade-offs, Ecological Strategies and Selective Pressures in Phytoplankton
September 29, 2005
Carla Norwood and Gabriel Cumming
Little Tennessee Perspectives: Talking about Land Use Planning and Conservation in a Rural Mountain Community
September 21, 2005
Hunter Lovins
Implementing Natural Capitalism
September 15, 2005
Dr. Jim Salzman
Creating Markets for Ecosystem Serices: Note from the Field
September 8, 2005
Dr. Larry Barden
Restoration of Piedmont Prairies and Helianthus Schweinitzii
April 26, 2005 (Co-Hosted with Biology)
Dr. Robert Holt
Niche conservatism, evolution, and applied ecology: Challenges and opportunities
April 21, 2005
Dr. Michael F. Piehler
Nitrogen fixation in coastal ecosystems: Implications for restoration and environmental management
April 14, 2005
Dr. Theodore R. Simons
The importance of estimating detection probabilities in animal sampling
March 31, 2005
Dr. Steven D. Gaines (Jenner Speaker)
Large scale issues in ecology
March 24, 2005
Dr. Justin Wright
Causes and consequences of biodiversity loss: a functional perspective
March 8, 2005 (Co-Hosted with Biology, NCBG)
Dr. Michael Balick
Plants, people and culture: The science of ethnobotany
March 3, 2005
Lawrence S. Earley
Looking for longleaf: the fall and rise of an American forest
February 24, 2005
Dr. Thomas Stohlgren
The Invasion of Plants, Birds, and Fishes in the US: Why the Rich are Getting Richer
February 10, 2005
Dr. Toddi Steelman
Adaptive Governance: Integrating Science, Policy and Decision Making
February 3, 2005
Dr. Steven Seagle
Predicting Forest and Avian Productivity in Heterogeneous Landscapes
January 27, 2005
Dr. Zac Long
Species diversity and allometric scaling jointly determine biomass in aquatic food webs
January 13, 2005
Sunny Snider (w/ Dr. George Hess and Graduate Students)
Effectiveness of Indicator Taxa for Biodiversity Conservation Varies with Extent, Grain, and Region

November 30, 2006
Jim Clark
Emerging Capacity to Synthesize Data and Process: Application to the Biodiversity Paradox
November 16, 2006
Mark Harmon
Woody Detritus and its Contribution to the Carbon Dynamics of Forests
November 9, 2006
Steve Wing
Public Health Impacts of Industrial Swine Production
November 2, 2006
James Cronin
Explaining Variation in Insect Herbivore Control over Plant Communities
October 26, 2006
Robert Jackson
Global Warming: Some Science and Solutions
October 24, 2006
Binka Le Breton
Rainforest: Use it Lose it: Atlantic Forest Notes from the Front Line
October 17, 2006
Wallace Broecker
Global Warming: What Should We Do About Fossil Fuel CO2?
October 12, 2006
James Umbanhowar
Some Theoretical Forays into the Role of Resource Supply in Mediating the Mycorrhizal Symbiosis
October 5, 2006
Mike Jenkins
Blights, Bugs, and Burns: Understanding Seventy Years of Human Impacts at Great Smoky Mountains National Park
September 29, 2006
Tim Profeta, (Sponsored by CEP)
Discussing Possible Areas of Collaboration Between the Nicholas Institute and UNC-Chapel Hill
September 28, 2006
Peter Brosius
Global Conservation and the Politics of Scale
September 21, 2006
Ross Meentemeyer
Spread of the Invasive Forest Pathogen Causing Sudden Oak Death in California: Intersection of Landscape Ecology and Epidemiology
September 14, 2006
Alexa McKerrow
Southeast Gap Analysis Project: Linking Datasets to Decisions to Keep Common Species Common
August 31, 2006
Ecology 199
Putting the Uwharrie National Forest into Landscape Context: Research Findings and Policy Recommendations from an Interdisciplinary Ecology Project
April 27, 2006
Dr. Judy Meyer, Jenner Speaker
Forest-Stream Linkages in an Urbanizing Landscape
April 20, 2006
Bastow Wilson
What Does a Plant Community Look Like When It Isn’t There
April 13, 2006
Paul Leslie
Warriors, Wages, and Wildebeest: The Ecology of Uncertainty on the East African Savannas
April 11, 2006
Robert Costanza
Ecological Economics: Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future
April 6, 2006
Monica Turner
Disturbance, Heterogeneity and Ecosystem Function: Lessons from the 1988 Yellowstone Fires
March 30, 2006
Bill Morris
Population Responses to Changing Climatic Variability
March 23, 2006
Elizabeth Lacey
Thermoregulation, Parental Effects, and Parental Care in Plants: an Examination of Plantago Lanceolata
March 9, 2006
Randy Fulk
Conservation and Captive Breeding: Managing Small Populations
March 2, 2006
Elizabeth Losos
Taking the Long View: Reconciling Long-Term Research with Short-Term Agendas
February 16, 2006
Curt Richardson
Restoring the Garden of Eden: Ecological Status of the Marshes of Iraq
February 15, 2006
Heather Leslie
Sustaining Marine Systems
February 13, 2006
John Drake
Biological Invasions in Aquatic Ecosystems: Local and Global Dynamics
February 9, 2006
Taylor Ricketts
Ecology and Economics of Tropical Biodiversity: Ecosystem Services and Forest Conservation
February 2, 2006
Steven Brewer
Limestone and Volcanic Rainforests of the Maya Mountains, Belize: Comparative Biogeography and Ecology
January 26, 2006
Shahid Naeem, Jenner Speaker
Is a Sustainable Future Possible in the Face of Mass Extinction? The Ecosystem Consequences of Biodiversity Loss
January 19, 2006
Dave Eggleston
Impact of Recreational Sport Divers on Spiny Lobster

November 15, 2007
Kevin Gross
The evolution of communication in a complex acoustic environment
November 8, 2007
Craig Benkman
Specialization and coevolution in the adaptive radiation of crossbills
November 1, 2007
Mike Rosenmeier
Environmental changes in Mongolia over the last~4000 years: evidence from lake sediment cores and horse tooth ename
October 4, 2007
David Kidd
Geophylogenies, GIS and Google Earth: evolutionary biogeography joins the geospatial revolution
October 4, 2007
Katia Koelle
Modeling the dynamics and phylogenetics of antigenic immune escape
September 27, 2007
Nora Bynum
How can we improve teaching in conservation biology, and why should we care?
September 20, 2007
Robert Dunn
Climate change and ant communities
September 13, 2007
John Wiens, Jenner Speaker
Is conservation science irrelevant to conservation practice?
April 26, 2007
Marcelo Ardon
Nutrient Loading and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Headwater Streams and Temperate Riverine Wetlands
April 19, 2007
Dov Sax
Species Invasions: The Past, Present and Future of Biodiversity on Islands
April 12, 2007
Norm Christensen
Reconstructing Fire History in the Southern Appalachians Using Soil Charcoal
March 29, 2007
Jeff Walters
Fear of Flying: Avian Dispersal Behavior
March 22, 2007
Tom Crowley
Modeling the Climate Change of the Last Ice Age
March 8, 2007
Stuart Pimm
Does the Variety of Life have a Future?
March 1, 2007
David Foster, Jenner Speaker
Wildlands, Woodlands and Farmlands Applying Historical Insights to Interpret and Conserve Modern Landscape
February 22, 2007
Wendy Wolford
Fields of Green, Rivers of Red: A Political Ecology of Social Mobilization in Northeastern Brazil
February 15, 2007
Scott Kirsch
An Experimental Landscape: The Nature of Science at the US Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site
February 8, 2007
Charles Mitchell
Infectious Disease Dynamics in Communities of Wild Grasses?
January 25, 2007
Anne Yoder
Historical biogeography of Madagascar – Time is of the Essence
January 18, 2007
Erik Sotka
Larval Dispersal and Local Adaptation of Nearshore Marine Invertebrates

November 20, 2008
Saara Dewalt, Clemson
Ecology and genetics of invasive plants: a biogeographical approach
November 13, 2008
Gabriela Valdivia, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Politics of Resilience: Agrarian Dreams, Uncertainty, and the “Dismantling of Neoliberalism”
November 6, 2008
Susan Harrison, UC-Davis
Robert Whittaker revisited: 55 years of climate change and fire suppression affect North America’s richest endemic flora
October 30, 2008
Sarah Emery, University of Louisville
Measuring success of sand dune restorations in the Great Lakes region
October 23, 2008
Dave Strayer, Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies
Effects of the zebra mussel invasion on aquatic ecosystems: the Hudson River and beyond
October 9, 2008
Craig McClain, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
The Role of Abrupt Topography on Global Deep-Sea Biodiversity
October 6, 2008
Tyrone Hayes, UC-Berkeley (Jenner Speaker)
From Silent Spring to Silent Night: What have we learned?
October 2, 2008
Tom Pendergast, University of Pittsburgh
Soil community feedbacks and impacts on competition
September 25, 2008
Clark Gray, UNC-Chapel Hill
Human Migration and the Rural Environment in the Ecuadorian Andes
September 18, 2008
Sönke Johnsen, Duke
The Red and the Black: Bioluminescence and the color of animals in the deep sea
September 11, 2008
Jaime Collazo, NCSU
Shorebird Ecology and Conservation in Southeastern United States and the Caribbean: Semipalmated Sandpipers – a case study
September 4, 2008
Bill Hoffmann, NCSU
Why did my dogwood turn brown while my sweetgum stayed green? Understanding the diversity of tree responses to the 2007 drought
April 24, 2008
Rebecca Sharitz, University of Georgia (Jenner Speaker)
Vegetation of Southeastern coastal plain rivers
April 17, 2008
Pejman Rohani, University of Georgia
The Ecological Theater and the Epidemiological Play: Understanding the Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions
April 10, 2008
Neo Martinez, Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab
Dynamics and Robustness in Complex Ecological Networks: How does nature keep it together and when does it fall apart?
April 3, 2008
Todd Bendor, UNC-Chapel Hill
Modeling the Wetland Mitigation Process and its Dynamic Effects on No Net Loss Policy
March 27, 2008
Miles Silman, Wake Forest
Thinking outside the hectare: Amazonian and Andean forest diversity in space and time
March 20, 2008
Phil Townsend, University of Wisconsin (Jenner Speaker)
Long-Term Environmental Change on the Roanoke River Floodplain, NC
March 18, 2008
Cliff Hupp, USGS
Floodplain geomorphic processes, sedimentation, and ecological impacts of hydrologic alteration along Coastal Plain rivers
February 28, 2008
Andrew Stephenson, Penn State
Interrelationships among inbreeding, herbivory and disease dynamics in a wild gourd
February 14, 2008
Marc Cadotte, University of Tennessee
The competition colonization tradeoff and scale dependent coexistence
February 7, 2008
Nikolay Lashchinsky, Bioclimatic zones and vegetation of West Siberia
Central Siberian Botanical Garden
February 5, 2008
Allen Hurlbert, NCEAS
Resource-based determinants of species richness: testing species-energy theory (Sponsered by UNC Biology)
January 31, 2008
Tom Wentworth, NCSU
Wells’ natural gardens: photos and prose
January 17, 2008
Jim Grace, USGS
Structural equation modeling and its relevance for studying natural systems

December 3, 2009
Colin West, UNC-Chapel Hill
Domestic Processes and Global Change: Mossi Households in Burkina Faso
November 19, 2009
James Hunt, NC State
Natural selection and kin selection in social evolution: paper wasps open the door to understanding
November 19, 2009
Katherine Kennedy, Center for Plant Conservation, Missouri Botanical Garden
What Future? Sustaining America’s Native Plant Resources
November 5, 2009
Stanley Faeth, UNC-Greensboro
Asexual Endophytes: tiny partners with big effects
October 15, 2009
Kendra Sewall, UNC-Chapel Hill
Vocal Learning in Red Crossbills: implications for social and population dynamics
October 8, 2009
Nick Haddad, NC State
Habitat fragmentation and the diversity of plant and insect communities
April 23, 2009
Lauren Buckley, UNC-Chapel Hill
Mechanistic species’ range models for changing environments
April 16, 2009
Emilio Moran, Indiana University
A Forest Transition? Deforestation and Reforestation Dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon and the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
April 9, 2009
Bill Platt, LSU
Earth, Water, Wind and Fire: Landscape ecology of coastal transitions along the northern Gulf of Mexico
April 2, 2009
Catherine Cardelus, Colgate University
Looking up in the rainforest: the canopy and global change
March 26, 2009
Jeff Nekola, UNM
Universal Diversity and the Legacy of Frank Preston
March 19, 2009
Spencer Hall, Indiana University
Predator spreaders, friendly competition, and quality matters: three stories at the interface of food webs and disease
March 16, 2009
Geoff Craig, University of Otago
New Zealand Television News and Current Affairs Representations of the Environment
March 5, 2009
Mathew Leibold, UT-Austin
Evolutionary Ecology of Metacommunities
February 26, 2009
Kevin Lafferty, USGS/UCSB
Parasites: from ecosystems to human culture
February 19, 2009
Alan Covich, UGA (Jenner Speaker)
Effects of Extreme Droughts on Biodiversity and Freshwater Ecosystem Services
February 12, 2009
Kathy Galvin, CSU
Linking Household Decision Making to Ecosystem Services in Rangelands Using an Integrated Modeling Approach
February 5, 2009
Wendy Wolford, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Anatomy of Environmental Crisis: Politics, Conservation, and Livelihoods in the Galapagos Islands
January 29, 2009
Charles Curtin, MIT-USGS Global Change Collaborative
Complexity and ecology: integrating conservation and science in the Mexico-US borderlands
January 22, 2009
Allen Hurlbert, UNC-Chapel Hill
Exploring the Swiss Cheese Effect: The causes and consequences of patchily occupied geographic ranges

December 2, 2010
Don Nelson, UGA
Systems in motion: the nested nature of climate adaptation in Cear , Brazil
November 18, 2010
Dan McGlinn, UNC
Disentangling Spatial Structure in Ecological Communities
November 11, 2010
Lynn Martin, University of South Florida
Physiological Integration and Phenotypic Variation in Vertebrates
November 4, 2010
Rebecca McCulley, University of Kentucky
Response of a Fungal Endophyte – Grass Symbiosis to Climate Change
October 28, 2010
Rob Colautti, Duke University
Constraints on adaptive evolution during invasion of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in eastern North America
October 14, 2010
Andrew Yates, University of Richmond
The optimal scale for ecosystem markets
October 7, 2010
Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, UNC-Greensboro
Behavioral context of ultrasound production by wild rodents with implications for habitat management in the North Carolina coastal plain
September 30, 2010
Paul Ferraro, Georgia State
Protected areas, biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation
September 23, 2010
Josh Auld, NESCENT
Linking life-history and mating system evolution: sex, death, and dispersal in hermaphrodites
September 16, 2010
Jonathan Levine, UC Santa Barbara
The importance of niches for the maintenance of species diversity
September 9, 2010
Mike Pace, University of Virginia
Changes in the Size Structure of an Invader Population Lead to Partial Ecosystem Recovery
April 22, 2010
Jason Fridley, Syracuse University
April 15, 2010
Dana Blumenthal, USDA
April 8, 2010
Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, University of Washington
April 1, 2010
Emily Minor, University of Illinois-Chicago
March 25, 2010
Lisa Campbell, Duke University
March 18, 2010
Jim Bever, Indiana University
March 4, 2010
Pam Jagger, UNC-Chapel Hill
February 25, 2010
Michael Rosenberg, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Arizona State University
February 18, 2010
Dan Tufford, University of South Carolina
February 11, 2010
Toddi Steelman, NC State
Governing Adaptively to Improve Wildfire Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Science, Policy and Decision Making
February 4, 2010
Emily Bernhardt, Duke University
Wetland restoration in agricultural landscapes: exploring the ecosystem costs and benefits
January 28, 2010
Jennifer Funk, Chapman University
Trait-based approaches to ecological restoration in invaded communities
January 21, 2010
Dan Richter, Duke University
Soil Change in an Old Cotton Field
January 14, 2010
Dave Roberts, Dave Roberts
Vegetation Classification: Science, Art and Oiuja Board

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