Richard “Pete” Andrews
Professor Emeritus, Department of Public Policy
Joint Professor, Departments of Environmental Science and Engineering and City and Regional Planning
Joint Faculty in Environment and Ecology
Phone: (919) 843-3385Joint Professor, Departments of Environmental Science and Engineering and City and Regional Planning
Joint Faculty in Environment and Ecology
Email: pete_andrews@unc.edu

Larry Benninger
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences
Office: 323 Mitchell HallPhone: (919) 962-0699
Email: lbenning@email.unc.edu

Joseph Carter
Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
Phone: (919) 962-0685Email: clams@email.unc.edu

John Florin
Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography
Phone: (919) 962-3879Email: jflorin@email.unc.edu

Cecil Frost
Coordinator, NC Plant Conservation Program (Ret.)
NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (Ret.)
Phone: (336) 364-1924NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (Ret.)
Email: cecil.frost@earthlink.net

Patricia Gensel
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology
Office: 414 Coker HallPhone: (919) 962-6937
Email: pgensel@bio.unc.edu

William Gray
Research Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Adjunct Professor, Environment and Ecology
Phone: (919) 966-3013Adjunct Professor, Environment and Ecology
Email: graywg@unc.edu

Paul Leslie
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology
Office: Alumni BuildingPhone: (919) 962-5300 or (919) 445-0415
Email: pwleslie@unc.edu

Douglas Maclean
Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy
Office: 112C Caldwell HallPhone: (919) 843-4500
Email: maclean@unc.edu

Sam Pearsall
SE Land, Water & Wildlife Program Manager Environmental Defense Fund Raleigh, NC (Ret.)
Phone: (919) 881-2938Email: spearsall@edf.org

Stephen Walsh
Lyle V. Jones Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department of Geography and Environment
Phone: (919) 962-3867Department of Geography and Environment
Email: swalsh@email.unc.edu

R. Haven Wiley
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology
Phone: (919) 962-1340Email: haven_wiley@unc.edu